Ep. 45 - Drink a Cup, Save a Pup

A reformed attorney prosecutes a crusade for better coffee and finding forever homes for dogs.

Claudia McMullen was burned out… on New York, on being a lawyer, on burnt coffee and on dogs not being able to find forever homes. So what’s a girl to do? She moved to Utah and started Hugo Coffee. Now she’s making great coffee and helping to support dog and animal rescue charities.

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Drew Zagorski

It’s been said that Drew is a bit crazy. It’s probably true. (Well, OK, it’s a certifiable fact.) That said, when people think that of you, you can get away with a whole lot more. And maybe it takes a little bit of crazy to come up with outside the box ideas. That’s exactly what Drew’s done for more than 30 years in the podcasting, marketing, branding and advertising space. He gets it. For any creative to work, no matter how outside the box, it needs to be true to the core values of a business or its owner. At LeftBrainRightBrain, we call it being logically creative. It’s our secret sauce.


Ep. 46 – Murder in Canaryville


Ep. 44 - How People Buy into Batshit Crazy