Ep. 37 – Walking Into the COVID Storm

The Long and Winding Road of George Azcárate

George Azcárate has lived many lives. Firefighter, nurse, traveling performer, teacher, Doctoral candidate in Romance Languages. While on a break from studies he was visiting his girlfriend in New York, the city went into lockdown. He came to another crossroad in his life. He chose the harder path and walked into the COVID storm. I’m talking with George about the long and winding road that lead to that decision and what he’s experienced on the front line of a pandemic.

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Drew Zagorski

It’s been said that Drew is a bit crazy. It’s probably true. (Well, OK, it’s a certifiable fact.) That said, when people think that of you, you can get away with a whole lot more. And maybe it takes a little bit of crazy to come up with outside the box ideas. That’s exactly what Drew’s done for more than 30 years in the podcasting, marketing, branding and advertising space. He gets it. For any creative to work, no matter how outside the box, it needs to be true to the core values of a business or its owner. At LeftBrainRightBrain, we call it being logically creative. It’s our secret sauce.


Ep. 38 – Homeless for the Holidays


Ep. 36 – The Mighty Quinn